Bring Back the Good Ole Days at World Famous Morris’s Grill

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Reading the recent article in the Skaneateles Journal about the foreclosure proceedings of the Seitz Building really brought back some great memories of that wonderful watering hole that not so long ago was World Famous Morris’s Grill.

Remember the good ole days when you could go to Morris’s Grill after work to have a few cocktails and blow of steam? Where everyone was friends with everyone else no matter what background they came from. And Gracie was there keeping everyone’s glass filled and making sure they all behaved.

Well, it wasn’t really all that long ago, but unfortunately some outsiders thought they had a better idea for the space, which turned out to be just a dream. Now the building still sits idle after almost two years and the outsiders are gone back to where they came from, their dream shattered along with one of the most wonderful watering holes Skaneateles has ever known.

So what do we do now that Cafe Morris, more well known as World Famous Morris’s Grill has been closed for almost two years? I know what I think should be done and I think a lot of people feel the same way I do. Let’s find someone in the local community to buy the building and bring back our favorite community gathering place, World Famous Morris’s Grill.

There has to be somebody in this community that has the money or collateral to invest in bringing back a place that was a time honored tradition, and a rite of passage for those coming of age. A place that saw generation after generation pass through it’s doors. Where people gathered after their favorite sporting event, a beautiful wedding ceremony, or just a hard days work.

I know I can’t be alone in expressing these sentiments, so let’s get together on this project and find someone who is interested in helping bring back this time honored place of tradition known as World Famous Morris’s Grill or as Burt Lipe used to say to me when leaving for the day “Take care of my joint”.

I really can’t remember many people who were as generous as Burt was in this community with his donations to the Fire Department, the Food Pantry, S.A.V.E.S, and just about every other organization that came asking for donations. Wouldn’t it be great to honor a man who did so much for this community by bringing back his favorite gathering place in his memory?

Are you with me people? We can do this if we all come together as a community with this goal in mind. Please leave your comments and suggestions for a solution to bringing back World Famous Morris’s Grill.

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