World Famous Morris’s Grill Blog

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Welcome to the new World Famous Morris’s Grill Blog!

I hope everyone will enjoy the Blog and use it often to communicate with there friends, family, and aquaintences who were partrons of Morris’s Grill over the many years the establishment remained open.

Don’t forget to click on the Last Call Photos link and watch the slideshow of photos from the Last Call Celebration Week. It was a gathering that many of us will remember for many years to come.

Note: It will take me a few days to add all of the photos so please be patient and check back often for updates.

Hopefully these photos will help us to remember alot of the good times we shared together at Burt’s Cafe or Joint as he called it.

In loving Memory of a man who gave his all to Skaneateles in many different ways, and whom will be remembered for many years down the road by family, friends, and Morris’s patrons alike!

Gone but never forgotten – May he Rest In Peace Eternally.


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